YuGiOh: Trickstar Delfiendium

Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Trickstar Delfiendium
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Trickstar Delfiendium
Type: Link/Effect Monster
Sub-Type: Fairy
Attribute: LIGHT
Link: NorthSouth WestSouth East
ATK: 2200
Text: 2+ "Trickstar" monsters
When this card declares an attack while pointing to a "Trickstar" monster: You can target your banished "Trickstar" cards, up the number of Link Monsters your opponent controls; add them to your hand, and if you do, this card gains 1000 ATK for each card added, until the end of this turn.
Password: 03792766
Printings 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Mega Pack (MP19-EN023) - 2019-08-29
Flames of Destruction (FLOD-EN040) - 2018-05-04