YuGiOh: Parasite Paracide

Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Parasite Paracide
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Parasite Paracide
Type: Flip/Effect Monster
Sub-Type: Insect
Attribute: EARTH
Level: 2
ATK: 500
DEF: 300
Text: FLIP: Put this card face-up in your opponent's Deck and shuffle it. When your opponent draws this card, it is Special Summoned on your opponent's side of the field in face-up Defense Position and inflicts 1000 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points. Then all face-up monsters on your opponent's side of the field become Insect-Type as long as this card remains face-up on the field.
Password: 27911549
Printings Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City (SBC1-END02) - 2023-08-24
Retro Pack 2 (RP02-EN002) - 2009-07-28
Dark Beginnings 1 (DB1-EN068) - 2004-10-12
Pharaoh's Servant (PSV-EN003) - 2002-10-20